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Instagram Marketing Services

Since the advent of social media and the gradual development of various platforms like Facebook and Instagram, people have used these platforms for various reasons like connecting with friends and family, remaining close to their squad, keeping their memories alive on their accounts by uploading pictures and videos. But have you ever wondered if you can actually use Instagram to create brand awareness and popularize your business or brand? The answer is yes, you can and here’s how you can do it.

Instagram Marketing for business growth

Did you know that Instagram consists of 800 million + users who actively surf the platform? 60% of their users are adults and most of them follow one or more businesses as per their interests and shopping trends. During a survey, 55% of Instagram users say that they discovered wonderful brands from Instagram that they weren’t aware of before.

Instagram marketing is quite simple and it allows you to generate brand awareness and engage with potential clients. Not only does this generate more sales for your business and widen your customer base, it also allows you to have a greater reach through influencers and existing customers on Instagram.

Go Ahead!Take the small step

Our executive will provide a free consultation to suit your business needs.

Major Instagram marketing strategies

Here are some tips to improve your marketing strategy on a popular platform like Instagram:


Identify your target audience and try to increase your follower base to the maximum. One of the ways to do this is by recruiting influencers on Instagram to increase the reach of your posts and engaging more users within your target demographic.


Create engaging content and make sure to pack a punch in your first impression. First impressions can get the user hooked or it can make them lose interest. You should work hard to ensure that your profile directly addresses who you are and what you want them to know about you and your business.


Ensure that you post enough content to keep up a strong interest from your followers and clients. However, your content should not be 100% promotional with the sole intent of driving your sales up or generating leads. Create content that combines wit, information and ingenuity to keep your readers and followers hooked.


Instagram has some special features like the being live option that allows you to connect and engage with a large section of your followers which can build a long-lasting relationship with them in the long run. However, you need to keep in mind that the time that you choose to go live decides how popular you are with your followers. Try to avoid major office hours to attracts more followers to join in.


Partner up with influencers or your current favorite customers to get positive reviews about your brand out there so that you can generate more leads by connecting to their follower base as well.


should you choose us for your Instagram marketing campaign?

Instagram marketing is an amazingly effective tool that can help your brand or business grow to unimaginable horizons and in general create positive awareness and generate leads for you.

However, Instagram marketing requires planning and strategizing to decide the best plan for you and your specific product. For example, a cosmetic brand and a lifestyle magazine won’t have the same marketing strategies.

Due to all of these problems almost all brands and businesses need the help of professionals for their Instagram marketing services.

So, here is what we can do to polish your marketing campaign:

  • Plan your content and advertising schedule as well as material.
  • Monitor your reach and areas to improve upon.
  • Keep up with a regular schedule of posting content like articles, blogs, videos and photos to engage with your follower base.
  • Locate influencers who can generate brand awareness and add to your follower base.
  • Encourage and curate user-generated content to add more attractive content to your profile

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